SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
Install supportconfig on SLES11 SP2
Add package repository:
zypper ar -f supportconfig
For SLES11 SP1 replace SLE_11_SP2 with SLE_11_SP1, for SLES10 replace it with SLE_10.
Install the updater:
zypper in supportutils-plugin-updater
Verify the key and decide if you want to trust it.
Run updateSupportutils which installs supportconfig.
Submit supportconfig to NTS.
supportconfig -ur SRNUMBERHERE
More information about supportconfig here:
Collecting logs for NetIQ tech support issues
For details on supportconfig and Zypper execute man supportconfig
and man zypper
Register SLES
suse_register -a email=<Email Address> -a regcode-sles=<SLESactivation-key> -L /root/.suse_register.log
Register SLES and OES
suse_register -a email=<Email Address> -a regcode-sles=<SLESactivation-key> -a regcode-oes=<OES-activation-key> -L /root/.suse_register.log
My Wiki with SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 information
SLES 11/12 OS Tuning & Optimization Guide – Part 1
SLES 11/12: Network, CPU Tuning and Optimization – Part 2
Fixes and workaround to avoid issues caused by Leap Second 2015.